Eine Luftaufnahme des Altöttinger Kapellplatzes.
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Free WLAN in Altötting

We have arranged free WLAN for you in Altötting provided by BayernWLAN and Vodafone Kabel Deutschland. You can surf free of charge for 24 hours via BayernWLAN and for 30 minutes via Vodafone Kabel Deutschland. There is no need to enter any personal data or to register when using the WLAN provided in Altötting. Simply open the hotspot home page in your Internet browser once you have selected a WLAN, accept the terms of use and start surfing the Internet free of charge. You can see below where free WLAN is available in Altötting:

Chapel Square: Gnadenkapelle (BayernWLAN) and St. Magdalene (Vodafone Kabel Deutschland)
Busparkplatz Griesstraße (bus parking): BayernWLAN
Busparkplatz Dultplatz (bus parking): BayernWLAN